Our Commitment to User Protection | ArenaGMT

Arena Global Market Ltd
3 min readFeb 20, 2023


Users are at the heart of everything we do. From the beginning, we made user protection our top priority by embedding state-of-the-art security measures and strict data privacy controls across the ArenaGMT platform.

We work alongside partners, policy makers and regulators to shape our robust compliance program and regulatory framework and build a sustainable path forward for the blockchain industry.


We safeguard user funds by securing our platform with strict protocols and industry-leading technical measures. From real-time monitoring and a 360-degree risk management system to advanced data privacy tools and end user security, we continually find innovative ways to protect the users we serve.

ArenaGMT Platform and User-Level Security:

Advanced Data Encryption-

We protect user data and personal information by encrypting data in storage. Meanwhile, data in transit is secured via end-to-end encryption, ensuring only users have access to their personal information.

Organizational Security-

Our wallet and personnel infrastructure features advanced security measures, including multi-signature and threshold signature schemes (TSS), ensuring the safety and integrity of our users’ funds.

Real Time Monitoring-

Our risk management system analyzes every trade and transaction including withdrawal attempt, password reset, two-factor authentication reset and phone number change.

Safe Sign In-

ArenaGMt supports strict sign-in protocol using two-factor authentication by email method.

We respect your rights over your personal information-

We only collect the necessary personal data in order to provide you with the best protection and services we can — and are transparent in how we use it.

When it comes to security, we’re pros.

For the past years we’ve been successfully paving ways of progress and success for ourselves and our users into the crypto economy, and since day one our top priority has been earning your trust. We do everything we can to make sure our 900+ thousand users and their funds are safe and secure, so that you can focus on building your portfolio.


We’re committed to meeting the highest standards for regulatory compliance, in order to maintain our responsibility to our users and further develop the blockchain industry. Having ensured that our user’s safety and compliance are maintained at the highest level possible through our global compliance practice and user protection initiatives, we look forward to what we can bring to the crypto industry and to our users in the nearest future and continue to strive to ensure that our efforts in regulatory compliance and our commitment to user protection are upheld.

ArenaGMt.com serves as the tool you need to earn yield like a pro on your crypto. With 50+ supported cryptos and tokens, your yield strategies with automated market making is simplified and profits maximized.



Arena Global Market Ltd

We focus on great values to deliver the highest quality experience and security for our users and the community. Visit us at https://www.arenagmt.com